Sunday, November 28, 2010

REMINDER: No Meeting Dec 2nd.

No Meeting Dec 2nd.

Next meeting will be joint AL/VFW on the third Thursday of December,  Dec 16th.  

Hill Country Care 2010 Christmas visit Dec 21st

The Post is on the calendar for Tue., Dec 21st at 6:00-7:00 PM for our singing and teddy bear giving.  A room is reserved at Flores' Restaurant for 40+ people for the same evening at 7:00 PM.  This is for members and wives.  We can discuss at the Joint meeting in Dec. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dept. Hubmaster Announcements - Nov. 2010

From the desk of:   DEPARTMENT HUBMASTER

MEMBERSHIP TARGET DATE:   November 26th-----------75%
                                                               December 31st------------85%

The below needs to be brought up at your next regular meeting:
I.  Department Education Award-----is designed to recognize those Post or District level individuals
that excel in promoting the education programs of The American Legion.  The Department will present 
a certificate to the top entry from each District and will nominate  the top two Department entries 
to the National Headquarters, for the Nation "Education Program--Certificate of Achievement".
Form for this particular award is attached for your convenience.  The deadline for submitting the 
forms is FEBRUARY 1st.  All entries must be in the Department Headquarters or postmarked by 
this date.
III. Junior shooting contest reminder.....All Posts are reminded that the Junior Shooting Contest 
is fast approaching.  Information packets will be mailed this month to all Posts and Certified Jr. 
Shooting Chairmen.  Target sets must be ordered by January 31st.  All preliminary round target 
sets must be returned to the National Headquarters by February 28th.  If Posts need materials; 
contact Dept Hdqtrs.
IV. VA VOLUNTEER AWARD.....The American Legion VA Volunteer Award program is 
designed to recognize those individuals providing exceptional VA Volunteer Service.    
The Depoartment will present an award to the most outstanding candidate from each Division 
based upon the information submitted.   Please help us to recognize these individuals from 
your your posts since usually you are the only ones who know 

     about them.  The from must be postmarked by December 31st.

V.  MID-WINTER CONFERENCE.....All posts are reminded that the Department 
Mid-Winter will be held January 19th to 23rd at the Omni in Austin, TX.  ALL MEMBERS 
ARE ENCOURGED TO ATTEND!  You will find it rewarding. 

TAVV The Perimeter newsletter- Nov 2010

A link to the TAVV newsletter for Nov 2010 has been posted in the News section of the AL Post 290 website.

Ribbon cutting at What-a-Burger

Ribbon cutting at the new What-a-Burger, 5-6 PM on Monday 15 Nov. 

Encouraging all the Vets to try and come to the Ribbon Cutting at 5PM tomorrow, Mon., Nov 15th.  Wear hats and shirts.