Friday, September 6, 2013

Fwd: Patriot Day

Ray, Could you put this out to all our vets?  Thanks, Gary
All Veterans:  Just to give ya'll a head's up.  Our VFW and American Legion will have a Patriot Day event at the Triangle (Memorial Flagpole) on Wed., 9-11-13 from 8:15 to 9:00 AM.  We will lower the flag to half-staff at 8:46 AM and have an introduction, a prayer and a speaker.  The speaker is Dan Heinz, a former NYC Policeman who was there on 9-11 and the prayer will be by David Park, retired Air Force Chaplain who was at the Pentagon on 9-11.
City and County employees, EMS, Fire, Sheriff personnel and Constables are invited to attend along with Military Veterans.  The gereral public is also invited to this event.

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